10 Facts About Me That You May Not Know
10 Facts About Me was a video tag that was around last year on Youtube. Lots of English Language Teaching professionals took part in it. It was a fun way to let you guys know a little bit more about us, the people who give English language tips on our websites, Youtube channels, podcasts, etc.
I remember that the great Ulisses Carvalho, the Tecla Sap guy, invited me to record the video tag 10 facts about me. Well, I must fess up at that time, things weren’t kinda great in life. Due to some personal problems, I wasn’t really in the mood for recording videos (and taking care of the whole Inglês na Ponta da Língua). Yeah! Things were really bad! So, I just let it go.
Now, as I am back to the Youtube universe, I decided to record this video talking about 10 facts about me. I also had this video because a lot of people have been asking me to record a video in English. So, this is a great opportunity for you guys to listen to me speaking English, and – of course – learning ten facts about me that you may not know.
I hope you enjoy the video. I hope you understand everything I say on it. I hope you learn something from it. I hope you also subscribe to Inglês na Ponta da Língua channel on Youtube.
Well, no more talking! Below you have the video. So, watch it and, in case you like it, let me know. It’ll be a great pleasure to keep talking to you about 10 facts about me.
10 Facts About Me (video)
In short, these are the facts that I mention on the video:
- I was born in Santa Helena, Paraná; but I grew up in Rondônia. First, my family and I lived in Ji-Paraná. Then, we moved to Porto Velho.
- I learned English by myself (self-taught): never went to an English language school and have never been abroad.
- I studied Theology. I wanted to be a missionary or a pastor.
- I was a boy scout.
- I passed Cambridge Exams: FCE, CAE and CPE.
- Before having my first book published I got like 10 Nos from publishers
I had a by-pass surgery in 2011.
- I was never a cat person. But Hiram made me change my mind.
- I still struggle to perfect my English pronunciation.
- I still make mistakes and will keep making them as long as I live. I really don’t care about making mistakes in English.
- THIS IS AN EXTRA FACT: I love taking pictures. I love landscape pictures. You can see my pictures on my personal Instagram profile.
Keep Learning
In case you wanna learn more, I strongly recommend you read the posts below:
- 05 Fatos Sobre o Present Perfect
- Sons do TH em Inglês: verdades não ditas
- Regras da Pronúncia do Inglês: será que tem?
- Desenvolver a Fluência em Inglês
Ok! There are a lot more tips here on the blog; so, feel free to read any of them. For now, that’s all I have. Take care and keep learning!