Dúvida: Em Português ou In English?

Which language do you prefer: in English or Portuguese? I mean (Quer dizer), do you want me (vocês querem que eu) to write (escreva) the texts in English or in Portuguese?
If you don’t mind (Se você não se importar), just say which you prefer in the area for comments or send me a quick e-mail. You can write something like (você pode escrever algo como):
“Hey, Denilso, how are you doing? Well, I’d rather have the texts in ……………..” (in the blank you write your option)
I count on you (Conto contigo) to help me solve this problem (para me ajudar a resolver este problema)!
By the way (A propósito), what does “I’d rather” mean? (O que significa “I’d rather”?)
Esta expressão “‘d rather” signifca “preferir”. Logo, em inglês podemos dizer:
- I’d rather – eu prefiro
- you’d rather – você prefere, vocês preferem
- she’d rather – ela prefere
- he’d rather – ele prefere
- we’d rather – nós prefirimos, a gente prefere
- they’d rather – eles preferem, elas preferem
Não se preocupe com o “‘d” na expressão. Preocupe-se em saber que “‘d rather” é o verbo “preferir” e pronto. Preocupe-se também em saber como usar esta expressão:
- I’d rather stay home tonight. (Prefiro ficar em casa hoje a noite)
- We’d rather talk to the boss first. (A gente prefere falar com o chefe primeiro)
- They’d rather die than help us. (Ele preferem morrer a ajudar a gente)
Bom, este é um dos usos deste tal de “rather”. Claro que há outros! Mas por enquanto é só este que nos interessa!
That’s it, guys! Conto com a opinião de vocês! Take care…
Para quem gosta de aprender palavras em português e em inglês (alunos, professores, tradutores e curiosos a dica do dia é o livro “Vocabulando – vocabulário prático Inglês/Português” (Isa Mara Lando). Este sem dúvida não pode ficar fora da sua coleção de livros de inglês.
Hello, Denilso!You're the guy!!! (rsrsrsrs) YES, I'd rather have the texts in ENGLISH.By the way, I have the book Vocabulando and I'd like to buy the new edition, too.Wow! I've just bought your book: Ingles na ponta da língua. I'm so happy!!! HugsRonaldo
Well, in reply to your question, I´d rather posts in english.Congratulations for your blog.
Hi Denilso, I'rather a mix of the two languages. You could write everything in english, except the explanation. Desta forma, ao mesmo tempo que nos familizarizamos com a língua, lendo algo em inglês, também entendemos perfeitamente o que significam as expressões. []s e parabéns pelo blog. Teus posts são sempre muito interessantes.
Hi Denilso! How are you going? well, i`d rather have the texts in english.Thank you!
Hi Denilso. I don't know if this will come as a surprise, but I use your blog to improve my Portuguese :)I'm a native speaker of English and I think today's post was excellent! It helped me to find out how to say things like "I'd rather" in Portuguese.So to answer your question – I would rather have more posts just like today's, with texts in both languages!Keep up the great work!
I'd rather have the texts in English.It's better to me that know how to read in English. However I think in those people that don't know how to read in English. I really don't know. I love your blog.Hugs!
what´s up teacher!well…I'd rather your blog in English… but I don't care if it will be in Portugues! hihihiDid I help? not so much right!?Ok… SO I'D RATHER IN ENGLISH!Hugs!by the way.. i love your blog anywayRenata
Hi Denilson! Its my first time here in your blog! It was love at first sight! About your last quastion, Portuguese or English… really i think its better write in english… we can learn more words and esxpressions.Congratulations for your good work!
hello Denilso!! How are u doing!!I prefer english!!i think it´s better…so..it´s my opinion! See you…
hello Denilso!! How are u doing!!I prefer english!!i think it´s better…so..it´s my opinion! See you…
I don´t know about the others, but i'd rather that the yr texts be write in english.solange
Hi Denilson!I'd rather have the texts in English. I have to read more texts in English and your blog can help me. But you can explain some things in Portuguese too! Assim como vc tem feito nos últimos posts!I hope you have a good day!!Take care!
Hey, Denilso, how are you doing? Well, I'd rather have the texts in english for sure!
Well….I'd rather have texts in English like this text…With some translations it's interesting.OK!
Good morning, Denilso! =)Well, I'd rather (can I say "I'd prefer"?) have the texts in English, because in this way we read and learn more. That's what I think!Thank you for your job here.. you and your blog are great! I'm learning a lot with u!
Hey, Denilso, how are you doing? Well, I'd rather have the texts in english. rsrsThanks a lot.
"Hey, Denilso, how are you doing? Well, I'd rather have the texts in English."LOL. 😀
Hey, Denilso.What's up ? So, I'd rather have the texts in English for sure!(it's better )Bye, take care!
my turn =)I'd rather have the texts in both languages, a mix, so as it is, it will be good 2 all of us, cuz some english native speakers use ur blog 4 learning portuguese and vice-verca.keep it up!
Hi!How are you Denilso?I`ve been reading your blog for a month!I really appreciate it!I`m learning a lot!Thanks!I`d rather have the texts in English.Have a nice day!Bye!
I d rather have the posts in English only.
I'd rather have the texts in both languages too.
Good question, Denilso! I have the same dilemma! Every now and then someone writes me complaining when I use too much Portuguese in my messages. I don't think people know what is truly best for them most of the time; but I may be wrong. It all depends on the purpose of the tips. You are not claiming to be people's only source for English acquisition. You expect them to speak English with other people, watch movies in English, read magazines, study with a teacher, etc.; thus, your tips are an added plus, helping Brazilians understand a lot of the intricacies of the English language. That being the case, using Portuguese when appropriate is an important aid to their learning English. Anyway, it will still be interesting to read people's comments on this. Keep up the good work! You are doing a fantastic job!
Hey, Denilso, What's up? Well, I'd rather have the texts in both languages. I agree with Tim Barrett "It all depends on the purpose of the tips". Independente do que for escolher seu blogger ainda será tudo de bom!!! LOLThanks and Take care
Hey Denilson!I just love your posts and I learn a lot from you. I'd rather have the bilingual posts, because we can practice up to date expressions in your writing and it'll apply to all levels of English (including beginners).Way to go! your blog rocks!!!!xoxo,Raquel
I'd rather the text in english, but the explanation ,sometimes, in portuguese when it is difficult.Take Care
E aí Denilso! Tudo bom?Seguinte, meu inglês não é tão bom, então, vai em português mesmo.Desde que descobri o teu blog, venho visitando ele quase que diariamente, e putz, deveriam liberar, mesmo que impresso em papel, o conteúdo que tem aqui pras escolas públicas. Assim, finalmente, teria-se expectativa de que as pessoas vissem algo a mais que verbo to be a vida toda e ainda, de quebra, aprendessem.Booom, quanto ao fato dos textos serem escritos em inglês ou português, acho que um mix seria interessante. É complicado achar um bom site com um conteúdo tão rico, quanto o que você produz aqui no blog. Então, lanço uma proposta. Histórias e explicações em geral, creio que o mais interessante seria em inglês mesmo. Assim, mesmo quem tem uma breve noção do idioma, poderia ter mais contato com o mesmo. Acho que, em português, seria interessante, apenas a tradução de expressões mais complicadas, novas gírias, não conhecidas por quem está no Brasil e não anda tendo contato com o "pessoal de fora", e também, tradução de alguns termos técnicos, mais complicados de se entender.Fora isso, só tenho elogios pro teu trabalho. Eu realmente, gostaria de ser um dos teus alunos. Pena qu'eu tô em Minas! =P
Well, I'd rather have the texts in English too.I can to read it but I dont´write very well.If you´ll write in english maybeI´ll can to learn more about it.So,thank you very much and I want to say that I´m very glad becauseyou continue to write this blog.Take Carefrom Japan
I'd rather have the texts in both languages.Congratulations mfor your blog. I learn a lot with it.Hugs,Márcia
Hey, Denilso,completando o comentário, eu estudo inglês há pouco tempo e, por isso, não conseguirei entender as explicações, se elas forem escritas apenas em inglêsI love your blog as it is (está certo?)Hugs,Márcia
Seria interessante a opcao de ambos idiomas. Para quem esta comecando, sempre havera duvidas, portanto, a opcao em Portugues, viria a ratificar ou retificar a compreensao do leitor.Obrigada!
hello Denilso how's it going ? I prefer the text in english. It will be better for us to read in english.
Hello Denilso !!!I´d rather you write in English because with the beta texts you sent us before this I noticed that almost all readers understood and They ( me too ) did comments that was O.K.All the texts had a easy language.You teach English for years and with this experience I think that you´ll know when to write a sentece, text or just a word in English or Portuguese.Hugs,Flávio
Hello Denilso !!!I´d rather you write in English because with the beta texts you sent us before this I noticed that almost all readers understood and They ( me too ) did comments that was O.K.All the texts had a easy language.You teach English for years and with this experience I think that you´ll know when to write a sentece, text or just a word in English or Portuguese.Hugs,Flávio
Hi Denilso!I like the way Timmy & Tammy do it.They write in English and the words they believe will not be understood, they put in parenthesis in portuguese.But again, that´s up to you!Rgds,Michelle
Hello Denilso,how'i going..I'd rather u write in English…Thanks for your tips
Hi! o/I'd rather have the texts in ENGLISH!Thanks! Denilso!
Hi Denilso!A site called Successful English, taught me that the reading gives us a "comprehensible input". In this case, I'd rather have texts in English. But also to help other people who needs the portuguese for understanding, you can do that as well as you did in this post.I also want to know the meaning of "If you well".
Hi Denilso,Perhaps, is "if you will". I'm not sure.Thanks!
Gerson,Read this:O que significa "if you will"?Denilso de LimaCurta nossa fanpage no Facebook
Isso significa apenas “Espero que você esteja bem”.