Escreva sobre você!
Uma maneira bem prática de irmos aos poucos aprendendo inglês é escrever algo. Infelizmente, as pessoas costumam ter preguiça de escrever; outras até acham uma perda tempo tirar uns minutinhos para escrever qualquer coisa. Uma pena!
Mal sabem que escrever ajuda a desenvolver o seu raciocínio, o poder de argumentação, internalização (memorização) de palavras e estruturas, estimula o pensamento e a criatividade… Enfim, são várias as vantagens! No caso do inglês são todas estas aí e ainda a de poder praticar a correta ortografia das palavras.
Sabia que você não precisa ser um exímio escritor para por em prática as suas habilidades? Caso te faltam idéias, não se preocupe. Tudo começa com alguma coisa. Melhor devagar e sempre, do que parado e nunca!
Pensando nisto, hoje convido você a escrever aqui no blog. Nada complicado! Quero apenas que você se apresente. Na verdade, estou curioso para conhecer alguns dos leitores deste blog! Para ajudar, vou escrever um texto como modelo e marcar as expressões chave que você deverá usar no seu texto. Veja só:
“Hello, my name’s Denilso. I’m 32 years old. I live in Curitiba. I work as a teacher.”
Pronto! É só isto! São quatro sentenças bem simples. Na primeira diga seu nome, na segunda sua idade, na terceira em que cidade você mora e a última a sua profissão. Se você não trabalha basta escrever “I’m a student” ou “I don’t work“.
Espero que você não se incomode em tirar um tempinho para escrever algo! Vai ser bom para mim e para você! Vamos lá, então? Clique na área de comentários logo abaixo, no final deste artigo, e deixe fluir seu lado escritor. Caso você tenha um pouco mais de inglês, sinta-se à vontade para escrever algo a mais!
Não tenha medo de errar! Lembre-se “herrar é umano!” No livro Inglês na Ponta da Língua eu dedico algumas páginas sobre o valor do erro!
See you tomorrow! Have a nice Tuesday!
what´s up? My name is Manuela and i have a blog too. It´s name is Letras Inflamáveis and the website is . Well, i live in São José, near Florianópolis and i am 25. I like u blog because here i can learn about english and i realy need know about this.thanks and come to my blog and enjuy it!kisses,bye.
Hello!My name is Iah. I'm 23 years old. Im living in Washington, DC like an au pair, trying to learn english!
Olá, o meu nome é Andreas. Tenho 33 anos. Sou professor de línguas. Aqui pratico o meu português. Obrigado.
Hey:)I'm Laís,and I'm 18:)I'm from Brazil,but I live in Japan,where I work part-time as an English teacher :)(and as all teachers,I also make lots of mistakes haha)I'd like to thank Denilso for his tips,which are very useful! keep on studying hard,guys:)Xoxo
Hello, my name's Ernesto. I'm 35 years old. I'm married and father of two chidren.I live in Menongue. I work as a governer's employes.
Hello, my name is Débora. I'm 35. I'm system analyst. I'm living in Athens at the moment, but I have lived for six years in Lisbon. Portugal and Greece are such a nice countries, although I think Brazil is better. The big problem of Brazil is the huge criminality. It's a pity, because this country could be the paradise.
Hello!My name's Geraldo and I'm 15 yo. I live in Rio de Janeiro, the best of all cities! I'm a student, and I study at a boarding school. 🙂
HI Denilson, Hi everybody!!!I'm Taísy Silva and I'm 20 years old. I live in Minas and I really love English and this BLOG!!! I'm a student and sometimes a teacher…. I'm trying to improve my english, mainly my spoken one…. Kisses to you… That's all!
Hello, my name's Michael. I'm 21 years old. I live in São Paulo. I am programmer computer.
Hi! My name is Osvaldo Baratela, I am 39 years old and live in São Caetano – SP. I am work as IT Consultant. It is a pleasure to learn English with yours newsletters and comments. Congratulations for the excellent work that you are making. Best Regards!
Hello! my name is Sayonara.I'm 41 years old. I live in Salvador.I have a firm the tshirt.I'm tourism's student.
Hi, I´m Edison. I´m 24 and I work as a sales coordinator and also as a teacher. I live in Corupa (SC), south of Brazil.
Hello! my name is Sayonara.I'm 41 years old.I live in Salvador.I have a firm the tshirt.I'm tourism's student.
hiiiii, my name is wesley. I'm 17 years old. I live in Ivaiporã PR. I'm a student of analyzing and developing systems… see you my brothers… :]
Hellow, my name is Beto Hermes, I´m 43 years old. and I´m divorced and father of 3 adolescent I live in Foz do Iguaçu Pr. I work with export and import de gods Iguaçu Falls for sevem wonderful of the worldwww.cataratasdoiguaç a lot
My name is Gullit, I'm 17, student and would like to thank you for this great blog! Keep posting, we love your job.
Hello! my name is Sayonara.I'm 41 years old.I live in Salvador.I have firm the tshirt.I'm tourism's student.
Hi! My name´s Vanessa, I´m 26.I live in Joinville SC and work in a foundry. I´m learning english and your tips are very goods!Thanks!See You tomorrow!
Hello!My name's Sílvio. I'm 43 years old. I live in Limeira. I work as a network computer.I'm married and father of one daughter.I like and need very lot english.thanks
Hi, My name´s Alessandra, I´m 36 years old. I´m adminstrative assistante. I live in São Paulo.
Hi! I'm Heloisa Motoki. I'm 30 years old and I'm accountant. I'm manager accountant for Confirp since 2003.
Hi folks, my name is Jackson. I'm 24. I'm a computer programer. I live in Chapecó.
Hi everybody. I'm from Curitiba and used to live there, but now I'm in Uniao da Vitoria, in the countryside. I'm a journalist and I also have a blog, on beers, at'd be glad if u guys could spare a little time to take a look at it.All the best!
Hi there!My name is Thaís. I´m 18. I´m just a student. I live in Brazil but I want to know more countries!=)
Hi, my name´s Sérgio , I´m 19 year old, I live in Cotia-SP, I´m a student.I like your Blog, cause I´m learning better.Thanks a lot.
Hello everybody! My name is Sonia and probably I'm the oldest one in this comments area. I'm 57 years old. I'm an English teacher in Praia Grande, SP. I love what I do, helping people to achieve their goal of speaking a new language! I'm a very happy person and I try to share my knowledge! Although I'm a teacher I learn a lot every single day. That's what students should do, never stop learning and practicing. I love this blog, I love and admire Denilso, his books are on my shelf!Take care, guys!
Hello, my name is Pedro. I'm 31 years old. I'm Computer Scientist. I'm living in Vitória da Conquista – BA.
Hy DenilsoMy name's Cícero, I'm 65, I'm a lawyer, now. I'm out of class since 1999, bua I'm a teacher, too. This work you're doing through internet is a very, very good help to those who wants do practise english as a second language. I'd like to tell you,I'm 65 but I like very much to study and these lessons have been wonderful for me.Have a nice tuesday, too.
[i]"Hi, my name's Jane. I'm 49 years old. I live in Sao Paulo. I´m social worker "
Hello!!!My name's Felipe SantosI'm 24 years oldI live in Rio de JaneiroI work as a office assistant.bye!!
Hi! My name is Ana Carla, I'm 22 years old and I work a as secretary.I live in Caieiras – SP.
Hi, my name is Vitor, a Ph.D. student at UFRGS in Porto Alegre. I'm planning to go to the United States in the next year as a part of my studies. For the benefit of everybody, my english must to be almost perfect 🙂 Thanks,
Hello.My name is Eunice. I am 45 years old. I like english very well, but I need to study more … then this sections is very important for me . Bye.. see you……
Hello, everyone!My name is Lourdes. I'm 47 years old. I'm Police Officer, but I am in licence health. I live in Guarulhos, São Paulo. I want learn english very well, for our my knowlegde (?) is pour.Hugs and kisses,Lourdes
Hi, my name is Maria Ivana. I'm 22 years old. I'm finishing my course of Psychology in the end of this year. I live in Bahia, Brazil. I used to like thoses tips about learning english.
Hello eveybody! My name is Denise, I'm 42. I work as a signmaker with my husband, I was born in Porto Alegre/RS but I've lived in Gravataí since I got married, it was in 1998. Gravataí is a small city far from Porto Alegre 20 km.Denilso, I visit your comunity on Orkut every day. By the way I'm the person who let you a link to approve members on comunity…do you know what I mean? LOLHugs!!
Hi! This´s Cristiane, I´m from São Paulo. I´m married and I have one son, he is 6 years old. I love to learn English. I hope with you I can progress a lot. I work as a secretary, so in my area to know English is fundamental. Thanks for this program, I like it a lot.
Hi!My name is Bruna and I've been working as Planning Analyst! Last august I went in Canada and spent one month studing english!See you!
My name is Joyce.I'm 22 years old.I live in São Paulo.I work as a attendente.
Hi, My name is Fernanda, i´m 32 years old, i live in Porto Alegre , I work as a speech therapist. I used to live in NYC and I studied English there. Now I am trying not to forget but it is very difficult because i dont have nobody to practic wiht me!
Hi my name´s Viviani. I´m 27 years old. I live in Palotina-PR. I have been working as English teacher for 3 months and your emails has to help me a lot. Ahh I study English Language post-graduation. See you, bye.
Hello! My name's Patricia. I'm 39 years old. I live in Minas Gerais. I work as a journalist.
Hello! My name's Rosana,I'm 44 years old, I live in Santos, I work a turism guide, becase studing english
Hello, my name's Jefferson. I'm 15 years old. I live in Joinville and I don't work. Hugs!
Hello, my name's Alessandro. I'm 28 years old. I live in Montes Claros MG. I am a webmaster. I like programming and blogging.Ps.: Good idea, congrats.
Hi! My name is Luiz Gabriel, I'm 18 years old. I live in Conchas city,SP.I student english alone and your blog help me a lot. I want buy your books in a short time. Thanks for all!! Bye
Hi everybody!My name´s Cláudia, I live in São Caetano do Sul, I´m 34 and I work as a teacher. I ve learned a lot in this blog, thank s a lot for the tips!see youuuuu
Hello! my name is Ana,iam 46 years and no work, i live in Sao Paulo.
hello, my name is Edimar, and I live in Embu das Artes – SPI´m 29 years old I read this blog every day, cause have studing myself by internet.I have learning a lot of things interesting here.God bless you
Hi! my name's Kátia. I live in Rio Grande do Sul. I'm 39 years. I'm a computer teacher. Hug
Hello! My name is Claudia. I'm 37 and I live in Montreal since the beginning of this year. Cheers
Hi, my name`s Juliana, I´m 20 years old, I live in Presidente Prudente – sp, I´m a student.
I'm Otavio. I live in São Paulo-SP. I'm a Physician. I love learning languages. I'm a moderator at a YahooGroup = English-review. You can visit at =
HI there, My name's Cassoli, I am 28 years old, I sell marquees in São Paulo where I live as well.
Hi, my name is Joseane. I'm 18 yars old. I live in Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil and I am study nursing.
Hello!My name is Alessandro, and I'm 32 years old. I live in Aracaju – SE and I work as a labor nurse in a maritime plataform.
HI!My name's Cleber.I'm 22 years old.I live in Monte Alto – SP.I work as a Computer Technician.
Hi,I don't usually post replies in blogs, but..My name is Magno, I'm 23yo and i live in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil.I work in a department store and I have been studying english by myself for a couple years now. I started cuz I was very addicted to RPG games and I wanted to understand the stories and what the characters were saying. At first I studied both grammar and vocabulary, but then I found out that the english language isn't so difficult as some may think, and I started to practice listening by watching American movies and series..Today I still watch movies and I am subscribed to a few newsletters which bring me daily lessons. When I feel like speaking english myself, I usually visit paltalk and its nice voice-chats!
Hello everyone! I'm a public school teacher of English currently living in Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro. My students and I love your blog. Keep up the good work!Best,Bruno
Hi, Denilso. My name is Randal Gomes and I'm 36 years-old. I was born in Apucarana, north of Parana, but now I live in Jaragua do Sul – SC.I have a Master degree in Business and I work in the Marketing & New Trends area. Your blog was presented to me by my teacher, Deda Pinter, who daily send it to our e-mail boxes.I am a great admirer of your work, because you are a good teacher and very didactic, but it seems to me being a great human being, once you are really interested in people knowing more about English and its several hits, tips and info, necessary to well comunicate.Thanks for your blog. It helps us a lot day-by-day.
Hi. I'm Claudenir. I am 48 years old. I live in Arapongas, a beautiful city in Northern Paraná. I work as a teacher for a private high school. I've been teaching English for 27 years. I love working as a teacher. so I can say I never work, I have lot of fun everyday. A classroom and students are a essencial part of my life. Nice to talk to you.
Hello!!My name is Carla. I'm twenty years old. I live in BH with my parentes.I'm a studente and I don't work yet. Your blog it's great and help me a lot.Thanks to share with us your knowledge.see U!!!
Hello, my name's Márcia.I'm 59 years old. I live in Sete Lagoas, MG. I don't work anymore. I visit this blog every day and I learn a lot here.Hugs,Márcia
hi, my name is Joici. I live in Santo André,São Paulo. I like music, photo, engines, racing,camping and adventure.I'm backpacker without frontiers. I love travel around the world, meeting people and places.Patagonia…. my next destination life is so much to be insignificant.
Hi Denilson!! How are you? Nice to meet you. My name's Claudia Garrido I'm 46 years old. I live in Fortaleza. I work as a psychologist. I like english very much. My favorite color is red. I like teddy bear but I love doll. I'm married since 1980 and I have two daughters and three sons. I have many friends.Congratulations for the excellent work that you are making. Kisses to you and bye bye.
Hello, my name's Leonardo. I'm 13years old. I live in teresópolis. I'm a students
Hi.My name is Ilmo and thank you for your instructions about English. Currently I am retired, but still reviewing something about English and Spanish language. Congratulations on your dedication to share with all your teachings. Thanks again and stay blesses. Ilmo Stumm
Hi.My name is Ilmo and thank you for your instructions about English. Currently I am retired, but still reviewing something about English and Spanish language. Congratulations on your dedication to share with all your teachings. Thanks again and stay blesses. Ilmo Stumm
Hi, my name's Andre and I'm 33 years old!I'm from Porto Alegre but now I'm living in Redondo Beach, Califórnia!I work with Music Production!Thanks for all!Hugs
Hi.My name is Ilmo and thank you for your instructions about English. Currently I am retired, but still reviewing something about English and Spanish language. Congratulations on your dedication to share with all your teachings. Thanks again and stay blesses. Ilmo Stumm
Hello!! I'm a real Denilso's blog fan!My name is Patricia; I’m 36 years old and live in Limeira-SP. I work as a Sales Supervisor at a machinery manufacturer company.Last year I spent my vacation studying English in Vancouver for 5weeks. That was one of the most gratifying experiences of my life!My English comes not up to scratch yet but I’m doing my best to improve it! I also speak Spanish but love English!Your tips are always a great help!Congratulations for your job! Take care!
Hello, my name is Guilherme and I live in Brasília. I like your blog very much!Thanks for the tips!
Heloo… My mane is Rodrigo, I'm 24yers old and i live em Jaraguá do Sul… I always tought you was a woman Denilso… hehehehehe i'm sorry… but, i needed to say this… hahauhauhaI'm like your blog, i'm learning very much from him…Tank you very much…see take a care…
Hello! My name is Márcia Keonya. I'm 24 years old and I live in Cuiabá/MT. I don't work in moment, but I'm student in English. Thank's for your tips.kisses
Hi, my name is Alexandre, I'm 22.I'm learning computer science and live in Itabuna-BA.I like listen to music, watch movies and play guitar.I found out this blog little days ago, and I'm liking!thanks!!!
Hello… my name is Chrystian, Im 29 years old, Im from Curitiba- Brazil but I live in London. I work as a labour in construction!!See you!
Hi guys. Hi Denilson. I'm Darlene Ramos and I love your blog.I'm 22. I living in Brasília-DF.I work as a music teacher. Take Care!!!
Hi. I'm Neidinha França. I am 44 years old. I live in Bayeux…a litle city near João Pessoa /PB -Brasil. I work as accounted assistence and study English at Univesity….I want to be an English teacher…but I don't speak English well…I have to rs rs…if you want to be my friend…just add me : neidefbg@hotmail.comHugsNeidinha
hi my name is val , i'm 45 yeasr old, i live in belo horizonte , i dont work . i love english and now i found out english by internet and because peolpes like denilso and others i am learning english by myself . i know i have a hard work ahead for me but i already can talk with some friends that lived in miami. its so good… i want to learn more and more …thanks and congratulations for your blog
Hi Folk's! My name is Ronaldo. I'm 32, equal to Denilso (hehe). I live in São Paulo and my work as a Graphic Designer / Art Director. I work to It Is Written Canada and I really need learn english. That's it! See ya…
Hi! How are you?? so, I'm Marcelo, I'm 16 years old, i live in Mogi Guaçu-SP and i'm a student… i liked this site, is very good… bye bye
Hello!! My name is Renata.Im 27 years old.I live in Salvador but I was born in Fortaleza and Im student.
HI!My name's Vera Abreu.I'm 53 years old.I live in Niterói – RJ.I work as a Secretary.
Hi!My name is Ronaldo. I'm 68 years old.I taught French for mora than 30 years, until I got my retirement.Nowadays I'm studying English and I love very much Denilso's blog.Congratulations Denilso!Take care!
Hello everyone!!! I´m Alex. I´m 23 years old and live in Campinas..SP..Brazil…World. I work and study and also look for a ESTÁGIO in engineer. That´s Why I´m studing english name's Diego.I'm 20 years old.I live in Curitiba-pr.I'm student
hi denilson, my name's francisco i'm 47 years old i'm single i live in brazil in rio de janeiro i'm a student of english yours emails had very usefull thanks bye
Hello, my name is Marilia and I am 21 years old. I live in São Paulo. I am an student. I really like your blog because i learn English so much…Thank you for all!!!!
Hi Denilso! What's up? My name's Muller Jorge, but everyone calls me Miller. I'm eighteen years old. I live in Rio de janeiro, Brazil. I'm student. I love English language and then I usually visit this site in my free time, always as possible. I'm a real fan of you.^^Thanks for everything! Cheers!
HELLO!!! Mu name's Thaís, I'm 16 years old. I live in Cuiabá. I'm student!
Hello everybody!My name is Alis, i'm 30 years old and I live in Carapicuiba-SP, Brazil. I work in Information Technology area and I'm studying english because I'm planning to move to Australia next year. This blog is helping me a lot! Thanks Denilso! Congratulations for your work!See you!God bless you!
hi Denilso my name is Rony , I'm 41 years old , i live in Ituiutaba MG , i have your book (ingles na ponta da lingua) very very good . I study english by myself, that's why my mistakes, sorry .
Hi guys….My name is Tatiana. I'm 26 years old. I live in São Paulo. I'm a assistent administrative. Bye Bye!!!!!
Hello everyone. My name's Magda and I live in São Paulo City. I'm 58 years old and a retired public scholl teacher. Since I got my retirement I've studied English and I love. Everyday I access this blog and I think it is wonderful. I'm not fluent in English but some day I'll be there. Thank you Denilso for your help.
Hello, my name's Carlos "TB".I'm 30 years old.I live in Sao Paulo.I work as a Software Architect.
"Hello, my name's Maxwell. I'm 17 years old. I live in Rio de Janeiro. I don't work."
Hello, everyone My name’s Magda. I’m 58 years old and a retired public scholl teacher. I’ve lived in São Paulo City since I got married. Since I got my retirement I’ve studied English and I love it. I’m not fluent in English but someday I’ll be there. Everyday I access this blog. It’s wonderful. Thank you Denilso for your help.
Hello, my name's Maurício. I'm 18 years old. I live in Capao da Canoa. I'm a student.
hello, my name is Cleube,I'm 61 years old and live in São Paulo.I very need learn english. bye
Hello, my name's Carlos.I'm 15 years old and I live in Olinda PE. I'm a student in the first grade of high school and I learn english a lot visiting this blog and one day I'll speak english fluently.Congratulations for your blog Denilso !Bye
Hello I`m Fátima, I`m 56 and for the moment I`m living in Sydney/Austrália.I StudY English wen I was a student, but I never been necessarily to speak. Now I need to speak and I have some difficulty. I have two childrens and they study in English just to year nine, after we was in Brasil and they study Portuguese and finish her study in Portugal. I say that because I want you understand my great problem. I´ts life.I learn one of comentary from Ernesto wo lives in Menongue. Is Menongue in Angola?Tanks for transmit us your know. See you. Por favor coloque o comentário corrigido por mim e se achar que está mal corrija. Bye.
Hi Denilso,I loved this opportunity. My name is Iveti. I’m 41 years old. I live in Palmas, TO. I work with a group of English teachers. I intend very much to improve my English and now I decided that I WANT TO SPEAK ENGLISH but the only problem is that I didn’t get win the fear to speak. Today, you encouraged me . After all, herrar é umano!Big hug!
Hi, My name's Camila, I'm 26, I live in London,I'm studing english.
Hello everybody!!! my name is MarthI´m live in Brasilia, DF, Brazil, I´m work as an economist in a eletricity company. I´m 50 years old. I have two children. I like very much Denilso´s blog. I study english in my free time. I hope one day I´ll talk fluently. Thanks!
Hello!! my name's Ana,. I'm 40 years old. I live in Limeira/SP. I work as a secretary.I'm liking, read your bolg, evereday, into in the email for see your messenger.Bye…….
Hi, Denilso. Will you read all the coments? hahahahahI'm scared (?) with the number of coments, 'cause I never saw more like now.*Don't worry if you find a stranger sentence hahah*Well, I'm Dalvania and I'm seventeen. I live in Rio and study civil engineering.I've hated english since ever, but I must learn it… Nowadays, I try to speak and read better, but sometimes it's difficult… mainly to listen. I still have some difficult to listen music or anybody who speaks english… but any day I'll get it o/
Hello, my name´s Eder. I´m 24 years old and live in Santa Juliana/MG. I work in postoffice and estudy in college the Uberlandia/MG. I very like this site, congratulation Denilson!!One question please…Wich book should I buy first? Ingles na ponta da lingua or Porque assim e nao assado?I wait answerThanks!!!!
Hello! My name´s Carlos Henrique. I´m 47 years old. I live in BH- MG. Now I´m working as Sale Representative and I´m very happy to be here speaking about me. I love English Language. I´m like you Denilso, because I am learning English by myself. I would like to speak more and more but I don´t know many words yet. Thanks for your help and for your blog. See you everyday.By.
Hello, My name's Regine and I'm 51years old, I live in Rio-RJ. I'm PsycologyI love my husband Jeff and I like the collor lilás.bye.
hello! my name is Adilson Alves, i'm 24 years old. i live in contagem-mg. i'm student mecanic of aircraft.I like to play video game
Hi. My name's Dalton, i'm 16 years old, i'm a student and i live in São Paulo city. i've been studying english for 1 year and 3 months, now i'm in the intermediate level.Denilso, you have a really good blog, it's always interesting, one of the best ones(in my opinion) about english. Congratulations!And i like your idea, to know the people who read your blog.
Hi, my name is gildazio! I am foty-eight years old and I live in campinas at the moment. I have a blog too. I am very happy to be writing in this blog. I love English and I am learning it. This blog is helping me. Thank you for this oportunity. See you later.
Hi, My name´s Newton, I'm 21. I live in Pirenopolis-GO anda I work as a interpreter of signs language!
Hello. My name is Nuno Braga and i`am twenty-three years old.I live in the Portugal,where i student Civil engineering.I love this blog,because i learning English and practical.see you
Hi, everyone. Hi, Denilson. My name is Franckland, but you can call me Franck.I'm 31.I'm married now and I have a beautiful daughter. I love my family. I'm an English teacher and, as I always say, an eternal student as well. I live in a small city in the countryside of Maranhão called Pinheiro. Also, I'm a fan of yours. You are out of this world. Keep up the good work. See ya!!!!
Hello, my name's Loevanes. I'm 37 years old. I live in Manaus. I work as a tax compliance specialist.
Hi, My name is Gutenberg I am 25 years old. I'm try learn English. I live in Brasília.See you later.
Hi, everybody, my name is Samuel, but everybody calls me Sam. i live in Senhor do Bonfim – ba. i´ve been study english for 2 years. I love this blog, Denilson is a wonderful teacher and his tips help me a lot. i work in a photographic store. hugs friendsSAM
Hello, my name´s Alethea Marie. I´m 34 years old. I live in Maceió. I work as a public employee. I´ve been married for 6 years and I have two kids. Their names are Enzo (4 years old) and Lana (2 years old). That´s it!
Hi everyone, I'm Sara, from Curitiba! I'm 32 and work with my father in our company, a plant of pulp of fruit.I loved to find this blog, congratulations, Delnilso!See you!
Hi Everyone! How are you doing??? I am great. My name is Emannuela. I am from Brazil, but I live in United States about 2 years. I studied English in Brazil, but its hard when you have a real contact with natives. Denilson I bought your book Ingles na ponta da lingua last month when I was in Brazil. Bye.
Hi!My name is Renata. I´m 25. I leave in São Paulo and i work with advertising. Bye!
Hi everyone!!! my name is Alex, i'm from Brazi and 30 years old. i've beeen studying a long time, and i think this blog amazin'. i love it, keep on!!bye
Hello, my name is Renato Alves, I'm 17 years old and I live in Pernambuco I've been studying English for a long time. Your tips are very good and I hope you go on with this work. Ah, I don't work.
Hi Denilso!My name is Alysson. I´m 31 years old. I´m from Brazil and I live in Marília-SP. I work as a system analist. I like all your tips in your blog.Congratulations!See you!
First of all many thanks for your diary e-mail I have learned much. My name is Pascoal Coqueiro Lôbo, I am 60 years old, I live in Salvador-BaI used to work at Banco do Brasil andI am retired since 2002. I am studying English at ACBEU here in Salvador and from now two semester I´ll be graduated. Tanks.
Hi there!!!Well, my name is Bruno I'm 25 years old,I have been studied English on my own since September 2007.I would like to congratulation Denilson (is that right? or I should say/write Denilso) for this great blog, it has been a great asset to me I have been learn a lot, every day I stop by and learn a bit more.So that's it!Sorry for any mistake, but as I always say. We learn by make mistake…See you mate! Have a great Weekend!!!
Hello, my name is Rosana. I'm 42 years old. I live in Novo Hamburgo. I work as a teacher. Bye!
Hello, I am Bianca. I am 28 years old.I am single. I live in Canoas R/S with my parents and three sisters. I stydy Letters and I work as a teacher. I have three dogs and two cats. I love may animals. I enjoys parties and shows (musics). I like read books and I like write too. Bye bye. Kisses
My name’s Affonso. I’m 45. I live in João Pessoa – Paraíba. I work at QI School. I’m typer. I love English very much, but I have a lot of difficult listen to English. I study English at University UVA, about 15 months. My dream is an English teacher. I always to access your blog, because I wish improve on English. Congratulation. Hugs.
Hello Denilson,I am Beto from Salvador. Im 35 years old. Now Im living in New Zealand.
Hello, my name's Nirlei.I'm 53 years old . I live in Lavras/MG.I work as a hairdresser.
Hello!!My name is Grazielle!I've 17 years old. Atually in work in a brad store.
Hello! My name is Elisabete. I was born in Rio Grande do Sul. I am 57 years old and i´ve been living in Rio de Janeiro for 30 years.
Hi! I'm sorry, but I didn't write here on Tuesday. My name's Almir. I live in Varzea Paulista-SP, but I was born in Parana. I'm 24 years old. I'm studing electral engineer and I work in a germany compay.
my name's Tatiane. I'm 14 years old. I live interesópolis.I'm a student.
Hello! What's UpMy name is Janet I'm 26 years old, I live in Taubaté SP, I dont work, but I study. I love this linguage, and I like very much to read e mail by Denilson. I dont pay his book, but I want it. My englesh is not good, but I want leorn more, and more. My dream is visit USA, I hope know it next year. Ok, I think that I try a lit my write.Kisses and see you later! Nice to meet you! Sorry for my mistake….
Hello, Denilso. My name is Gonzalo, I´m 22 and I live in Itapetininga-SP. I´m a law student.Bye!
Hi everybody!My name is Leni. I am 43 years old.I live in Jandaia do Sul, Paraná and I work as teacher. I work with children and adolescents. I love what I do. It is very good can send my opinion here.See you.Leni
My name's Paula.I'm 18 years old.I live in Volta Redonda.I dont work yet but I study.
Hello people.. My name is Savio. I`m 16 year old. I live in Aracaju-SE with my cousin. I`m a student. I`m enjoy go to a party with my friends.. it´s very fun.. I don´t speak English very well…Bye bye guys..Nice to meet you!I´m sorry for my mistake.
Hello, my name is Itá, I am 48 years old and I live in Caravelas in Southern of Bahia. It is realy pleasant to ready the blog every day.
Hi Denilson. I'm Lucia, 42. I'm a teacher. I love your blog, I have learned many interesting things about english. Congratulations for this excelent job!
Hi! My name is Marcia, I am 36 years old. I am from Brazil, but I am living in Florida since june/08. I need to learn english, but sometimes, I think that I never will understand this leaguage, Its so hard to me. When I need to speak in english, I am so nervous and I forget the little english that I know and when the people speak with me, it is worse because I realy dont understand, I need the people speak slow, so I think they dont have patience with me.I hope you can understand me.Thank you.
hello,my name´s is anthony carllesI am from londrina pr,but I live in sao paulo.I have several yearsIam a cop,iam beginner in inglishI lovely this languageI training my inglish in playdominoes http://www.playokplay and tallk too wins one once day will be expert in inglish.
Hi,Denilso!My name's Barbara.I'm 29 years old and I live in Salvador.I'm design photografico.See youBarbara
Heloo, my name is Sandra.I'm 31 years old.I live in São Paulo.I'm secretary.Good Bye.
Hello.My name's Juan Im Twenty years old Im from Volta Redonda Rio de Janeiro.I see your blog everyday It's helps me a lot to improve my English and I am studying hard.Thanks all!CYA!
Hi, my name is Raphael. I'm 17 years old, I Live in Santos-SP… I'm lerarning english beacause I like. :)…
Hello,my name is Valmike. I'm 26 years old. I livi in Capanema-Pa.I'm a teacher, but I'm still studying English, because I don't know many things about English. Maybe I learn more now. See you soon!
Hi, DenilsoWell, my name is GustavoI have a rock bandwe sang in englishI'm a singer of the bandI'm 15 years oldI was born into Santos- SPI have 1 brother and 2 sisiterMy dad is dead 2 years oldThis is my life Thank youYour blog is the best
Hi Blogger! My name is Saulo, i`ve been married last 2 years and we moved to Canada, where i`m working for a International company called SITA. At Montreal we speak EN, PT, ES and FR. All languages work fine at this city. We have a blog too. We moved to Montreal to grow in our field and create our family. But, I need complete my language school. I can comunicate with everyone, but i`m afraid about my abilities, some times i need send an e-mail for my team work and this make me crazy.So, i just sign in the subscribe for your blog, and i hope the help from this blog to fix a couple grammar problems.Thanks a lot for your time.
Hi! My name is Jéssica and I'm 11 years old. I'm from Rio de Janeiro, and my parents are chinese,I have two brothres. I'm student and my favortite subject is english. I'm learnin'too portuguese,obviously, spanish and french.Thanks a lot for you time..Bye!
Hi everybody! Hi Denilson. Good idea write in your blog. Awesome! My name is Janaina, I live in Mogi das CRuzes/SP, I´m a 34 years old, and I a self-taught. I pratice English every, I write for my friends, always in English, of course, but Pratice makes perfect! And I need learn more and more. I don´t give up!
hi folks!sup?well…i'm Indhy and i'm 14 years old, i luv english and your blog!your blog is so cool, i think is the best english blog ever!i want you to continue your job teaching and helping us!thanks a lot!XxX
Hi, I am Antonella, I live in Recife-Pe, I'm 21 years old, I'm student. and I love this blog, because I always can learn a little more about english, english expression, curiosity, That's fine! Thanks you so much!!!
Hello! My name is Xica. I´m 26 years old. I study English in WSI. I come from Portugal.
Hi, my name is Tiane, I live in Porto Alegre-RS and I´m 26 years-old. I´m French teacher!
Hi, How are you Denilson?I love to learn with you. My name is Cláudia, I am 47 years old. I work as a party decorator, but think this work very boring because I work alone. I'm talkative and to work alone is very boring. I live in Rio de Janeiro and study English, but I'm starting.See you!
Hello there! It's a pleasure to meet you… so to speak!I didn´t have much time to unload my mail box, so i´m writing this now…I´m Pedro Ghelfi and I´m on Propaganda & Marketing college, last year. I don´t have a job right now, but I´m working on it.I realy like to play the videogame and gymnastics.I gotta say: this initiative of yours is very nice. Knowing all these people and all… I only hope you can read this! Very good! Keep it up, man!
Hiii. My name is Jéssica What's Up ? I'm 17 years old. I live in Sõ Paulo. I don't work. I'm Student. kisses !
Hey there…My name is Clarissa and I'm 24. Well, I used to live in Foz do Iguaçu the city I was born… 🙂 now I've been living in Laguna for 5 years and I'm thinking about moving to Canada next year.. So I'm trying to learn English as fast as I can… That's why I'm just studying English so far…I found out about your blog by chance and all your hints help me too much.. Awesome!!Keep it going…XoXo =***Btw… I'm going to buy your book "Por que assim e não assado?"
Hi,my name´s Adriely. I'm 22 years old. I live in Manaus. I work as Logistica.
Hello, my name´s Carlos, I´m 25 yeras old. I live is São Paulo, works as a computer technician
Hello, my name is Diego.I'm student of law.I live in Rio de Janeiro.I loved your blog, but I can not learn English in any way!Estão certas as sentenças acima?rs
Hi, my name is Camyla Bellizzi.I'm student.I'm 16 years old, I live in Brasilia.I liked a lot of Blogger, it helps me a lot with my work from home! hahaha
Hello!My name is Fernanda. I am 19 years old. I live in São Paulo. I am a student… I don't work in this moment!Bye… take care!
Hii Dear!!How are U?My name is Gabriela and I live in Ouro Preto, near BH!! I don't work, because I'm student. I'm study English for a long long time..U are congratulations because your Blog is Fantastic..Bye Bye..See u!!
Hi,my name's Daniele.I'm 23 years old. I live in Campinas.I don't work for moment but I'm a student of the university and English school.Bye bye.
Hy, my name is Angela and I'm 56 years old. I'm teacher but I dont work now. I'm retired teacher. Bye
My name's Arthur Henrique. I'm sixteen years old. I live in Atibaia. I'm a student.
Hello!!My name is Weliton. I am 37 years old. I am married to Raniclei. I have three daughters.I live in Capanema-PA. I am a student. yeap.
Hi, I'm Victor, born in Bauru, state of São Paulo, my love for english begins when i was 6 years old,i always studied at home, listen music, watch movie, among others, my dream is do University outside Brazil, maybe in England. Dude,i always Read, read, read, read, read, read and read only from now on,i gonna make texts every day Thanks for teaching !!take care !
Hello, My name is André.I am twenty eight years old and I live in São Paulo. I am an art assistant.
Thanks! Good luck
Hello, my name's Gabriel. I'm 18 years old. I live in Petrópolis. I don´t work. I´m student. I'm trying to learn english. take care!
HI, guys, how are you doing? I'm Ludimila. I'm (almost) 20 years old. I live in Londrina-PR. I work as an English teacher at Influx English School. I love traveling and reading. I'll get married in 2 years and I'm so excited to do it soon! Well, that's a little about me. See ya!
Hello,my name´s maria quirino i´m 41 years old i´m live in Angra dos reis.but was bors in MG I´married en have a son and a grandson an I love making friends
Hello everybody,my name is Liliane, i´m 25 year old, i´m a student.I was born in Salvador-BA,but now i live in Lisboa-Portugal.Have been 6 month that i started learn english,i realy want to be fluency in english someday,because i love english, i think that is an very beautiful and very important language.And this blog have been help me a lot, Denilso congratulation,and please keep with this great job!:) thanks so much
Hello,My Name's Felipe.I live in Brazil .I'm 12 years old.I'm a student.But I want to live in Japan
Hi, my name is Michelli.I am 28 years old.I am from de Santa Catarina,Florianópolis.I'm empresaria.
Hi. I'm Neidinha França.I am 45 years old. I live in Bayeux…a litle city near João Pessoa /PB -Brasil. I work as accounted assistence and study English at Univesity….I want to be an English teacher…but I don't speak English well…I have to rs rs…if you want to be my friend…just add me : neidefbg@hotmail.comHugsNeidinha
Hi, my name is Caroline, and my nickname is Carol. I'm 14 years old. I study in the eighth grade, and I really want learn English. Thank you, because you're helping me a lot to do this. Kisses Carol
I'm sorry… I didn't say you where I'm from…I'm from São Paulo, Brazil Bye Carol
Hello my name is Alice , I'm 13 years old , I live in são paulo , I'm a student
hello, my name is Accacio. i'm 47 years old. I live in Rio de Janeiro. I work as a mecanic.
Hello, my name is Thays. I'm 15 years old. I live in São Paulo. I'm student
Olá! carro colega,queria saber como se escreve em inglês correta mente,minha grafia e fraca não entendo quando vem o adjectivo e o substantivo primeiro,queria aprender correta-mente a grafia inglesa
Hi, my name is Bruna and I'm 21 years old. I live in Maceió and I study nursing…
Hello guys, my name is Carlos, i' m 18 years old and work as a flight attendant, i really like it That' s meHave a nice day
I have study in Canada and i am working in a Hotel part time. I am studying and work also in and study
Hi, my name's Gil. I'm 18 years old. I live in Vila Velha, ES. I'm student ."
Hi, my name is Alexandre. I was born in Belo Horizonte in 1972. At the age of 11 I moved to Cambuquira and lived there for 3 years, them I came back to BH where I have lived.I'm single, but a have a girlfriend and she lives with me.I have worked as a pilot in a Construction company since 1994.
Hi, good morning everyone! My name's Priscila and I'm taking Translation Interpreting at the university. Some time ago I used to be an English teacher but on may I got a trainee job and stoped teaching. On July I found a girl who wanted to take personal classes with me and now I'm teaching her. I like so much this blog because the tips on it helps me a lot, yesterday I was looking for an expression and guess where I found it? Here, exactly the way I needed! So, congratulations for you knowledge, Denilson. Way to go! Thanks.
Hi you guys, nice to meet you all… So, my name is Junior, I'm 15 years old, I live in Salvador Bahia, I'm still a student… I want to say I love this blog too, I learn lots of things here, I thank God for that, and please Denilso ain't quit teaching us all here, because it matters very much to me, and I believe for everyone here, I really like this blog, it's the best blog of English of the world I guess : P (I don't mind)… That's it, I love english and I'm learning it, and here i can get knowledge for that too. So, thanks alot Denilso.
well, My name's Alessandra Knop, I'm 22 years old,I'm from Sã Bento do Sul-SC, But,I live in São José dos Pinhais- Paraná, I'm a flight attendant,out job, for myself, it's very important, know talking with another people,I hope and I dream speak fluently soon.
Hello! how are you?My name is rafael and i´m 21 years old. I´live in canoas-rs. i study english at challange. i really like to practice english out of my class to improve my language and added new words in my vocabulary!i study international relations and i need to put it in tip of my tongue!bye! congratulations for your initiative!
Hi ! My name's Victor, I'm eighteen years old. I'm student. I live in Rio de Janeiro – Brazil.I play guitar and a little drums.i'm very funny and cool. My dream is to be a excellent father and maybe to be a famous music. !
Hi people!My name is Léia. I'm 27 years old. I'm work as a teacher of biology an live in Brazil. I'm learning English. Bye!!
hi my name's jefferson I'm thirty old. i'm worked in Rio de Janeiro Brazili don't know speak english
Hello! My name is Amanda, I'm 21 years old, I live in Manaus and I'm a chemistry teacher. I really like your blog because is so different those websites that tell us to speak like a robot! I hope that your work as an english teacher can help more and more people!
Thanks for your dedication and I wish you gold!