Collocations: CAKE

Here we go again with the collocation stuff. Today the main word is “cake” [bolo]. Of course, this is an easy word. The real question here is: can you say a few words that combine [collocate] with it? Do they say “do a cake” or “make a cake“? How about “bolo de casamento“? You say “marriage cake” or “wedding cake“? Well, keep on reading to find out.

The verbs which usually combine [collocate] with “cake” are:

  • bake a cake [fazer um bolo]
  • make a cake [fazer um bolo]
  • eat a cake [comer um bolo]
  • have a cake [come um bolo]
  • cut a cake [cortar um bolo]
  • try a cake [experimentar um bolo]

Other words that go with “cake” are:

  • a birthday cake [um bolo de aniversário]
  • a wedding cake [um bolo de casamento]
  • a chocolate cake [a bolo de chocolate]
  • a home-made cake [um bolo caseiro]
  • a moist cake [um bolo molhado]
  • a recipe for a cake [uma receita de bolo]
  • a slice/piece of cake [uma fatia/pedaço de bolo]
  • a pack of cake mix [uma caixa de bolo]
  • cake crumps [migalhas de bolo]

I guess that’s all about cake. If you want to know how to say “dar um bolo” in English, just click here. That’s it! See you!

2 Comentários

  1. Também não se pode esquecer que aquilo que é muito fácil pode ser "a piece of cake"!

  2. Prezado Senhor,Tenho grande interesse em adquirir seu livroeletrônico relacionado aops palavrões por 10 reais, conforme indicado.Caso possa, favor reenviar conta para deposito e como vou ter acesso a este livro após pagamento.Atenciosamente, Fernando

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