Learning Collocations and Collocations with Coffee
After that, I have to find the equivalences for these combinations of words [collocations] in English. A dictionary of collocations may really come in handy here. However, keep in mind that a dictionary won’t have everything. Try also a book on collocations.
Whichever you have, look up the word ‘coffee‘ and check the words that combine with it: “drink coffee” [beber café], “have coffee” [tomar café], “make coffee” [fazer/preparar café], “spill coffee on the floor” [derramar café no chão], “instant coffee” [café instantâneo], “fresh coffee” [café fresquinho], “milky coffee” [café com leite], “white coffee” [café com leite], “weak coffee” [café fraco], “strong coffee” [café forte], “a mug of coffee” [uma caneca de café], “a cup of coffee” [uma xícara de café].
This will surely help you to have the right words in the right moment. You’ll also know exactly what to say because you’ll have the right combination of words [collocation] and won’t have to stumble for words so often. That all means better fluency in English!
If you speak Portuguese [or are learning Portuguese] you’ll learn a huge of collocations in the book “Combinando Palavras em Inglês: seja fluente em inglês aprendendo collocations” [Ed. Elsevier/Campus]. Well, that’s it for today! See ya tomorrow.
I got surprised when I saw your information in English!!! I am always reading yours tips because I think it's really interesting and useful but I used to be a little disappointed because I had to read it in Portuguese and that takes some time. Considering that I MUST learn English fast, for me it was a great change. Parabéns pelo site, eu adoro e leio todos os dias!
OláCheguei neste blog pelo TeclaSap e gostaria de propor uma troca de links com meu blog: teachervanessaprata.blogspot.com. AbsVanessa
Hi Denilson, what's up?I'ts great to see that you write in English intead of portuguese, you might as well do it more often. What do you think?By the way, great post as usual, keep up the good word!See you!
Oi Denilso,Só hoje, dia 18 tomei conhecimento de suas dicas do dia 05 (estava viajando). Gostei muito, não só pelas informações como também pelo fato de ser em inglês! Achei excelente a sua idéia, pois nos obriga a pensar em inglês. Parabéns!Nilza
Olá Denilso, Gosto muito das suas colocações. Em classe não temos oportunidades para ampliarmos nossa aprendizagem dessa forma. Parabéns !M.Carmo
OI,DENILSO! Uma sugestão para os posts: disponibilizar botão "curtir" do facebook. Só dá para curtir o teu blog como um todo, seria legal se fosse em cada dica tua. É isso aí. Abraço.