What does “in the boondocks” mean?
Today we have a new edition of our Inglês na Ponta da Língua Podcast. This time EFL/ESL teacher trainer Denilso de Lima tells us about the origin and the meaning of the expression “in the boondocks”.
We hope you like this tip. It will certainly improve not only your vocabulary but also your knowledge about the history of this common expression. Just hit the play button on the audio box below. Visit our facebook fanpage and let us know if liked that tip. Go to www.facebook.com/inglesnapontadalingua and join us. You’re also going to learn much more in there. Have a nice day you all. Take care!
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Parabéns Denilso, vejo sua dicas diariamente, estou adorando os podcasts, muito bom mesmo!
Thanks Liva! Qualquer coisa, estou por aqui! 😉